Some lucky American's (that's YOU, Baltimore!) are just weeks away from being able to access the brand new XOHM network from Sprint/Clearwire, and you've got some exciting features to look forward to.
Sprint released info today describing the "location-based" features XOHM will include. They are promoting the WiMAX service as having a "geobrowsing" effect, meaning you will be able to access directions, traffic, news, restaurants, points of interest, etc all depending on where you're using your device. They're going to partner up with device manufacturers and service providers so that we can all get the most out of the features.
It looks like different cities are going to be featuring different services. For example, NAVTEQ of Chicago, Ill., will offer customers NAVTEQ Traffic™ real-time local traffic and commuter updates with links to the Traffic.com® Web site for construction, incident and drive time information, and Boston's WHERE service will provide access to local information including restaurant reviews, news, events, and weather (including Yelp, Eventful, Topix, NAVTEQ and Accuweather).
I'm unclear right now as to whether XOHM will be offering different services in different areas - for instance, if you'll only be able to access navigation in some cities and Yelp and similar sites in others. I suppose we'll see as Sprint expands their coverage!
Read the full press release at 4Ginfo.com
Discuss the location-based services on 4G Forums
Labels: sprint, wimax, xohm