Sierra Overdrive 3G/4G Portable Hotspot Now Available at 3Gstore!

As a follow-up product to the success of their first mobile hotspot -- the MiFi 2200 -- Sprint has launched a game-changing product called the Sprint OverDrive. The Sprint OverDrive (aka Sierra Wireless W801) is a mobile hotspot that allows high speed connections to Sprint's nationwide 3G network as well as their faster 4G WiMAX network, for as many as five wireless devices.
The Sprint OverDrive is available from right now for $99.99 after rebate with a new 2-year contract. 3G/4G service is available for just $59.99/mo; this plan provides unlimited 4G data use and 5GB of data use on 3G network with overage charge of $0.05/mb. Since the 3G/4G data plan for the OverDrive is the same price as Sprint's 3G-only service, users thinking about 3G service may want to look at the OverDrive as an option, even if they aren't in 4G coverage. You'll be able to use 3G now, and when you travel to a 4G area or when Sprint launches 4G in your area, you'll be set!
Read more about the Overdrive in our "Product Spotlight"
Order the Overdrive for $149.99 - $50 mail-in rebate securely from 3Gstore
Labels: 3G, 3g/4g, 3gstore, 4g, evdo, evdo blog, evdo forums, EVDOinfo, mobile broadband, overdrive, sierra, sierra overdrive, sprint 4g